Mario De Luca nasce a Sant’Elia Fiumerapido (FR) nel 1959, compie studi artistici presso il Liceo Artistico di Cassino e la scuola d’Arte e Mestieri di Alatri.
Nel 1998 è tra i vincitori del premio
Calabria cultura e turismo (giuria presieduta dal Prof. Angelo Calabrese
e dal Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi).
Nel 2001 una sua opera viene collocata in maniera permanente presso il museo di Arte Contemporanea di Spinetoli (AP).
Nel 2001 una grande Scultura
raffigurante la Passione viene installata, in Canada, sull’altare
maggiore presso il Santuario della Madonna di Canneto Windsor-Ontario
Nel 2001 realizza un’opera commissionata per il Papa Giovanni Paolo II, opera presente nella Città del Vaticano; nel 2004 risulta vincitore del Premio Carsoli.
Dal 2008, dopo aver effettuato varie mostre in Italia ed all’estero, viene selezionato dall’Associazione Italiana per la Cultura che lo propone come artista emergente italiano per la sua straordinaria peculiarità scultorea. Partecipa così a SmeraldArte in Costa Smeralda. Espone prima nella prestigioso Centro Congressi dell’Hotel Melia di Poltu Quatu, poi, nel 2009, nel 2011 e 2012 sempre per SmeraldArte, all’Ea Bianca Luxury resort.
Nel 2001 realizza un’opera commissionata per il Papa Giovanni Paolo II, opera presente nella Città del Vaticano; nel 2004 risulta vincitore del Premio Carsoli.
Dal 2008, dopo aver effettuato varie mostre in Italia ed all’estero, viene selezionato dall’Associazione Italiana per la Cultura che lo propone come artista emergente italiano per la sua straordinaria peculiarità scultorea. Partecipa così a SmeraldArte in Costa Smeralda. Espone prima nella prestigioso Centro Congressi dell’Hotel Melia di Poltu Quatu, poi, nel 2009, nel 2011 e 2012 sempre per SmeraldArte, all’Ea Bianca Luxury resort.
Dal 2010 trenta opere sono presenti, in
maniera permanente, presso il Museo PAF (Presente Arte Futura)
dell’Associazione Italiana per la Cultura e 14 presso la Galleria Museo
Beeldentuin di Maastricht.
Nel maggio 2010 espone presso la ”Sala Bianca” della Reggia di Caserta.
Dal 19 marzo al 31 ottobre 2010 suoi
lavori vengono scelti per essere mostrati presso lo storico Museo
dell'Abbazia di Montecassino.
Una Monografia su questo evento è stata realizzata dal Prof. Angelo Calabrese e dal Prof. Antonio Ricci.
Una Monografia su questo evento è stata realizzata dal Prof. Angelo Calabrese e dal Prof. Antonio Ricci.
Nel Marzo 2011 espone a Londra presso
l’Istituto Culturale Italiano. Sempre nel Marzo 2011, viene invitato ad
esporre in esclusiva al Sofitel-Rome Villa Borghese.
Dal 24 giugno al 22 settembre 2011 viene
selezionato per esporre alla 54 Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della
Biennale di Venezia.
Nel Marzo del 2012 si reca a Malta "Artisiti della Regola" a cura di Angelo Calabrese.
Il Prof. Sergio Rossi del dipartimento
di storia dell’arte della Sapienza ha dedicato a Mario De Luca nell’anno
accademico 2012 un ampio spazio nella pubblicazione accademica dal
titolo “Arte come fatica di mente” da Leonardo ai giorni nostri.
2013 gli viene dedicato il terzo capitolo del libro "Scultori
dell'in-finito, da Michelangelo ai giorni nostri" a cura di Sergio
Rossi, 2° Volume.
Mario De Luca was born in Sant’Elia Fiumerapido in 1959. He studied Art at the Art Schoolin Cassino Liceo and in Alatri. In 1998 he was one of the winners of the Calabri Culture and Tourism Award (Prof Angelo Calabrese and Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi were judges in the committee). In 2001 his art was put in a permanent exhibition in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Spinetoli (AP). In 2001 his sculpture representing The Crucifixion was installed on the altar at the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Canneto, in Windsor Canada. In 2001 he was commissioned by Pope John Paul II and his work shown in Vatican City. In 2004 he won the Carsoli Award. Since 2008, after having had various art exhibitions in Italy and abroad, De Luca was selected by the Italian Association of Culture and named an emerging italian artist for his extraordinary sculptures.
He participated in SmeraldArte in the Costa Smeralda at the prestigious convention center of Hotel Melia di Poltu Quatu in 2009 and also at Ea
Bianca Luxury resort. Since 2010, twelve of his pieces have been in a permanent exhibition in the PAF Museum, of the Italian Association of culture. From the 19th of March to the 31st of October 2010 his work was exhibited in the historic museum of the Abbey of Montecassino. A monograph on this event was written by professors Angelo Calabrese and Antonio Ricci. In 2010, an exhibition was held in the Sala Bianca of the Reggia di Caserta. In March 2011, an exhibition was held in London at the Italian Institute for Culture.
Also in 2011, Sofitel-Rome Villa Borghese decided in collaboration with the AIPLC (Italian Association for Culture), to use the prestigious hotel for an exclusive exhibition for the artist. From the 24th of June to the 22nd of September he was selected by professor Vittorio Sgarbi for the 54th International Exhibition of Art “Biennale” in Venice.
In March 2012 he participated in “Artisti della Regola” in Malta, curated by Angelo Calabrese. In the same year he exhibited in Naples, at the Maschio Angioino and the Museum of Rocca di Umbertide. The professor of the department of history of art at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome, Sergio Rossi, dedicated to him a large space in an academic publication called “Art as an effort of mind, from Leonardo to the present day”. In 2013, the professor Sergio. Rossi devoted to him an entire chapter of the academic book called “Sculptors of in-finito, from Michelangelo to the present day”. From December 2013 until the 31st of January 2014 his sculptures were presented at the Foundation ‘Dante Alighieri’ in Rome. In the same period some of his other works were placed at the museum space within the University “La Sapienza” in Rome. From the 16th of July to the 6th of September 2014 his work was exhibited, with a singular exhibition, at the Luxury Resort Ea Bianca, in Costa Smeralda Sardinia. At the same time his work called “Il Mimo” (matrix and sculpture) was exhibited at the exclusive MDM Museum in Porto Cervo, along with the most important artists of Pop Art like Andy Warhol , Mimmo Rotella, Jean Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring.
In November 2014 his work was exhibited for 100 collectors inside the prestigious Hotel De La Ville in Rome. He is being exhibited in 2015 at
Made Expo in Milan and then at Milan Triennale with TIM 4 Expo 2015. The professor Mario Morcellini, headmaster of faculty of Communication Sciences at University “La Sapienza” of Rome, has always followed Mario De Luca with interest and admiration, he called him a “Master in the art of transforming the art itself”.
Mario De Luca was born in Sant’Elia Fiumerapido in 1959. He studied Art at the Art Schoolin Cassino Liceo and in Alatri. In 1998 he was one of the winners of the Calabri Culture and Tourism Award (Prof Angelo Calabrese and Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi were judges in the committee). In 2001 his art was put in a permanent exhibition in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Spinetoli (AP). In 2001 his sculpture representing The Crucifixion was installed on the altar at the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Canneto, in Windsor Canada. In 2001 he was commissioned by Pope John Paul II and his work shown in Vatican City. In 2004 he won the Carsoli Award. Since 2008, after having had various art exhibitions in Italy and abroad, De Luca was selected by the Italian Association of Culture and named an emerging italian artist for his extraordinary sculptures.
He participated in SmeraldArte in the Costa Smeralda at the prestigious convention center of Hotel Melia di Poltu Quatu in 2009 and also at Ea
Bianca Luxury resort. Since 2010, twelve of his pieces have been in a permanent exhibition in the PAF Museum, of the Italian Association of culture. From the 19th of March to the 31st of October 2010 his work was exhibited in the historic museum of the Abbey of Montecassino. A monograph on this event was written by professors Angelo Calabrese and Antonio Ricci. In 2010, an exhibition was held in the Sala Bianca of the Reggia di Caserta. In March 2011, an exhibition was held in London at the Italian Institute for Culture.
Also in 2011, Sofitel-Rome Villa Borghese decided in collaboration with the AIPLC (Italian Association for Culture), to use the prestigious hotel for an exclusive exhibition for the artist. From the 24th of June to the 22nd of September he was selected by professor Vittorio Sgarbi for the 54th International Exhibition of Art “Biennale” in Venice.
In March 2012 he participated in “Artisti della Regola” in Malta, curated by Angelo Calabrese. In the same year he exhibited in Naples, at the Maschio Angioino and the Museum of Rocca di Umbertide. The professor of the department of history of art at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome, Sergio Rossi, dedicated to him a large space in an academic publication called “Art as an effort of mind, from Leonardo to the present day”. In 2013, the professor Sergio. Rossi devoted to him an entire chapter of the academic book called “Sculptors of in-finito, from Michelangelo to the present day”. From December 2013 until the 31st of January 2014 his sculptures were presented at the Foundation ‘Dante Alighieri’ in Rome. In the same period some of his other works were placed at the museum space within the University “La Sapienza” in Rome. From the 16th of July to the 6th of September 2014 his work was exhibited, with a singular exhibition, at the Luxury Resort Ea Bianca, in Costa Smeralda Sardinia. At the same time his work called “Il Mimo” (matrix and sculpture) was exhibited at the exclusive MDM Museum in Porto Cervo, along with the most important artists of Pop Art like Andy Warhol , Mimmo Rotella, Jean Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring.
In November 2014 his work was exhibited for 100 collectors inside the prestigious Hotel De La Ville in Rome. He is being exhibited in 2015 at
Made Expo in Milan and then at Milan Triennale with TIM 4 Expo 2015. The professor Mario Morcellini, headmaster of faculty of Communication Sciences at University “La Sapienza” of Rome, has always followed Mario De Luca with interest and admiration, he called him a “Master in the art of transforming the art itself”.
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